Thursday, 8 January 2015


Yesterday, Wednesday 7th January, 2015 in Paris the New Year came to an abrupt and brutal end for 12 innocent people who were simply carrying out their lawful quotidian jobs as journalists, cartoonists and policemen at the offices of Charlie Hebdo. The terrorist killings were carried out by a terrible gang of Islamists, proclaiming the Islamic tenet, "God is great!" and that their gruesome act was to revenge the satirical depictions of their Prophet by the controversial news magazine, Charlie Hebdo.

The whole world is shocked and outraged by these murders, they fit into the bizarre and terrifying patterns of beheadings, crucifixions, and mass murders of Al-Qaeda and its affiliates, especially, the so-called Islamic State, Boko Haram, Al-shabbab and other violent jihadist organisations. We mourn the loss of innocent lives by hoodlums, hijacking Islam to crush democratic values, enslave people and entrench a religious political system bathed in the worst forms of barbarity and rapacity, in the name of Allah.

We stand shoulder to shoulder with the overwhelming majority of Muslims and people of other faiths, people of no faith - well-meaning, decent, civilised human beings for whom Islamism is a scourge that must be defeated, an ideology that must be driven into the ground, and a warped form of religion that must be destroyed. Let's get out there with counter arguments, with acts of love and mercy, with daring bravery in the sight of brutal threats - proclaiming our collective humanity, our cherished democratic values and our belief and determination that Islamism is dead wrong, dead futile, and will never achieve any of its goals through mindless violence. Support Charlie Hebdo, support France: we need one another in these sad and tragic times!

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