Saturday, 24 May 2008


“Then they journeyed from Mount Hor by the Way of the Red Sea, to go around the land of Edom; and the soul of the people became very discouraged on the way.” (Numbers 21:4)

Notice the latter part of the scripture: “the soul of the people became very discouraged on the way.” They were on the way to their blessing. They were on the way to their victory. They were on the way to their destiny. Yet their soul became very discouraged!

Every time you feel discouraged because of the hardships of life, because of delayed answers to prayer, because your finances are tight or your health is not good, just remember: you are on the way to your blessing, you are on the way to your victory, you are on the way to your destiny.

In fact you are travelling in the right direction as long as you are journeying with God: if you are not living in sin or rebellion; if you are not running away from where He wants you to be; if you are not on your own mission and doing your own thing your own way – you really can say at any time in the face of everything that you face: “I am not alone, God is with me!”

If you face hardships and trials and tribulations when you are going the right direction, it must be that the enemy has seen the blessings ahead of you and he is trying to beat you off the right track! Resist the devil and he will flee from you!

Is it not strange that when you are on the way to something good you are not feeling fine? Listen, even if you are going to die tomorrow because of your illness, even if you are going to go bankrupt because you do not have sufficient funds to pay your bills: relax! Your heavenly Father can dig you out of the deepest hole possible! The grave is not the end of everything, and everyone will die one day if the Lord tarries.

If truly heaven is beautiful, and we are going to meet with the Lord Jesus, there is no fear in death. In fact, He tasted death for us so that we will never die! We will fall asleep and we will wake up very refreshed and beautiful on the other side. We will find ourselves in the company of many, many children of God – a big wonderful and blessed family! A big time reunion! A party time that never ends!

Moreover who owns the gold and the bronze and the silver? Is it not your heavenly Father? If you are doing the right things in His presence and your finances are wobbly: have no fear, He has already named a day when you will be rewarded for all that you do for Him! He is a marvellously good Father and He is never forgetful of the generosity that you have shown, your commitment is never hidden from Him, your prayers never go unnoticed! He cares about the flowers and the birds! He cares for you! God cares!

Listen when you are discouraged, do the following things:

Count your blessings, name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done!

Think of people who are in a worse situation in life and pray for them.

Find ways to be a blessing to someone, despite your own situation. Doing good always comes with a warm feeling of satisfaction and hope.

Remind yourself life has not ended for you: you are still alive and do something that brings you fun and laughter!

Soak yourself in the Word of God, soak yourself in the work of God, and let His praise fill your heart and spirit.

Be lifted up, you are on the way to your success! Today’s troubles are the best signs that something good is ahead of you!! Amen.

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